Rise & Thrive Coffee wasn't born in a boardroom, it was born in our kitchen. The story starts with my wife, April Greenbaum, who was diagnosed with cervical dystonia. This condition, along with a cascade of other health issues, brought constant pain, fatigue, and anxiety into her life. Doctors and prescriptions became a familiar part of our journey, but April yearned for a path that empowered her to take control. 

Through years of dedicated research and commitment to her goal, she discovered the power of a holistic approach. Positive mindset and a focus on mental well-being played a crucial role. However, the most significant impact came from natural supplements like the ones we now offer at Rise & Thrive Coffee.

These supplements, including manuka honey, hemp, and lion's mane & chaga mushrooms, became allies in her fight for a better life. They helped improve fatigue, headaches, anxiety, and even aspects like sleep and memory. The problem? The way she took them felt like a hassle or disruption from her daily routine. And many supplement forms were inconvenient or unpleasant to take.

As a self-proclaimed coffee aficionado (seriously, the woman loves her coffee!) April dreamt of a way to seamlessly integrate these beneficial supplements into her daily routine. That's where Rise & Thrive Coffee was born.

We created a line of infused coffees that deliver the taste you crave with the added benefit of these powerful supplements. Each cup is a testament to April's journey, a reminder that small changes can lead to big improvements.

We believe in the power of natural solutions and the joy of a delicious cup of coffee.

Rise & Thrive Coffee isn't just about a product, it's about a story of resilience and the pursuit of a healthier, happier you. It's a testament to the power of believing in yourself, the potential of natural solutions, and the simple joy of a delicious cup of coffee.